Hosts: Shawn Whitfield, Amy Morrow & Barry Courter Events & Entertainment in Chattanooga Guest: Jay Kennamer (McMahan Law Firm) Changes with the Chattanooga Police Department with how they handle traffic accidents  Presented by: Medicare Misty Production of: Whitfield Media Group
Hosts: Shawn Whitfield, Amy Morrow & Barry Courter  Guest: Meagan Jolley (Public Relations) See Rock City Topic: Enchanted Garden of Lights Variety of topics all related to Chattanooga Presented by: Medicare Misty
Hosts: Shawn Whitfield, Amy Morrow & Barry Courter Guest: Tim Morgan (Chattanooga Sports division of Chattanooga Tourism Company)  Topic: 2023 BlueCross Bowl coming to Chattanooga & we discuss all the details.  Guest: Kim Chapman Whitfield (News Anchor – WTVC News Channel 9) Topic: Coats for Kids event Events & Entertainment Presented by: Medicare Misty ( Production of: Whitfield Media Group
Hosts: Shawn Whitfield, Amy Morrow & Barry Courter Thanksgiving Fun Facts & Statistics  Our special segment – What’s Up? Upcoming events & entertainment Catching Up with Medicare Misty Discussion about the future of the Chattanooga Choo Choo Complex & latest news about the Blue Light Club. Presented by: Medicare Misty   Production of: Whitfield Media Group
Hosts: Shawn Whitfield, Amy Morrow & Barry Courter  Our special segment – What’s Up? Remembering Leslie Jordan & discussing an event that will be in Chattanooga, remembering him.  What’s the latest news between Mayor Weston Wamp and the Hamilton County Commission. Presented by: Medicare Misty Production of: Whitfield Media Group
Hosts: Shawn Whitfield & Barry Courter News & entertainment around Chattanooga Guest: John Pless (Public Relations Mgr) Catoosa County Government  Discussion about the upcoming midterm election Presented by: Medicare Misty Production of: Whitfield Media Group